Post-Divorce Modifications
Make Modifications To Your Decree, Support or CustodyIf you believe changes should be made to your divorce decree or judgment, contact our office to ensure you have an experienced team on your side.
After a divorce, it may be necessary to modify a settlement, a child custody arrangement, or other divorce-related agreements. At The Law Office of Natalie Gregg, we are experienced in post-divorce modifications and can work closely with you to determine the best plan of attack.
Common Post-Divorce Modifications and Disputes
- Custody modification
- Changes in your visitation schedule
- Drug and alcohol related issues
- Relocation (you or your former spouse moving with your child)
- Changes in spousal support
- Termination of parental rights
At The Law Office of Natalie Gregg, we know that divorce is final, but your divorce agreement does not have to be. Our post-divorce modification lawyers provide an empathetic, compassionate, and collaborative approach to divorce. Even in the face of complex divorce issues, we help empower our clients to make the right decisions for their families.
Our caring and experienced family lawyers are here to help you through this difficult time in your life. Contact us to get started.
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