collaborative law institute of texas logoVery simply, collaborative law is a legal process through which divorcing spouses agree to settle matters privately and outside of the courtroom.

The process is not for everyone. Both parties must agree to work together towards the shared goal of minimizing the collateral damage that can sometimes occur in a divorce proceeding. For my clients, I always recommend that we bring in outside specialists and other family law professionals to ensure the process achieves the best possible outcome for the entire family.

Initially, this can appear daunting to those who just want a “quick divorce” (something that might sound good in an advertisement, but which is rarely found in the family courts). The thought of being in a room with a group of family professionals and their soon-to-be-ex-spouse can be overwhelming.

I understand. As a certified mediator who has been trained in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Law, I have seen this process many times.

However, while this is no guarantee for your unique situation, in general I have seen that clients who enter a collaborative divorce process:

  • Spend less money than those who go to trial;
  • Achieve superior outcomes for both parties;
  • For those with children, they can significantly improve the co-parenting relationship that they will have after the divorce is finalized.

I believe strongly that clients will remain mothers and fathers even after their settlements. I want my clients to be able to attend graduations, birthday parties and weddings without conflict when this process is over.

Families can remain intact and children can be protected in the process of restructuring the family through divorce.

As a mother of two children, I work well with working parents and respect the dual role. I have experience with families who have suffered the fallout of addiction, domestic violence and mental health issues. Further, in the private setting of a collaborative process, we can work together to maximize the financial and emotional security of the parties–and especially the children. Together with my clients and the other party, we can expand the pie instead of destroying it.

Natalie Gregg
The Law Office of Natalie Gregg
(972) 829 – 3923